A smart bus trundled into London and we went along for a ride. c|net rode Citymapper’s smart bus around the British capital and a world of possibilities opened up. (Link)
As car ownership goes down, the Transportation-as-a-Service (TaaS) business model offers a higher-margin opportunity within the auto sector. (Link)
REPORT: 95 percent of U.S. passenger miles traveled will own by companies providing Transportation-as-a-Service (TaaS). (Link)
Uber may be dominating the ride-sharing business in NYC but you might be surprised to hear that Lyft isn’t necessarily in 2nd place. (Link)
VIDEO: Cost of taxi medallions plummet in Chi-town, a lender is suing local cab operators who defaulted. (Link)
Didi Chuxing, the Chinese ride-hail behemoth that is a key ally of Apple and most recently took over Uber’s business in China, is going global. Today, the company announced its plan to offer its service in English for the first time. (Link)
Revamping the U.S.A. transportation system doesn’t just require technological innovation. It requires buy-in from the heartland. (Link)
Buffett: Self-driving cars and trucks would certainly hurt our business VIDEO (Personal note, Munger has always been my favorite Hathaway. His response is flawless.) (Link)
Another Group of Google Veterans Starts a Self-Driving Technology Company. DeepMap is creating maps for autonomous vehicles, with backing from top (Link)
VW’s Arteon keeps you alive if you pass out while driving (Link)
Researchers from Cornell University found that the average U.S. household is willing to pay $3,500 for some automation and $4,900 for full automation on top of the expected price of a car. (Link)