Taxi business at Logan is down 10% since Uber, Lyft began picking up fares LINK
Siemens building first stretch of eHighway on public roads in Germany LINK
The company that invented Post-It notes is hiding invisible messages in signs to help self-driving cars see the world LINK
Maven to expand on-demand short-term Gig rentals to 6 more U.S. cities LINK
Verizon and Columbus Yellow Cab partner in ride-sharing. LINK
Intel plans fleet of 100 fully autonomous test cars LINK
Truckers are changing their schedules to avoid the crush of solar-eclipse traffic LINK
VIDEO: Starting August 26, Dallas Cowboys Fans Can Ride Autonomous Shuttles Outside Stadium LINK
53% of people would buy a fully autonomous vehicle for their next car purchase LINK
The Next Two Olympics Will Feature Self-Driving Cars. Toyota 2020 in Tokyo. Hyundai in 2018 in Pyeongchang LINK