Will Automation Put an End to the American Trucker? LINK
Legislating Automation: How Congress is Approaching Automated VehiclesLINK
Uber said on Tuesday that paying National Insurance contributions for its British drivers would add tens of millions of pounds to the taxi app’s costs were they to be deemed, employees. LINK
LeBron James will star in the first big ad push for self-driving cars LINK
Chinese Bike Sharing Giant Ofo is Rolling Into Washington, DC This WeekLINK
French carmaker Renault said Friday that half of its models will be electric or hybrid by 2022 and it’s investing heavily in “robo-vehicles” with increasing degrees of autonomy. LINK
GM is preparing for the death of car ownership in cities — and its solution is popular among millennials. LINK
How Trains Can Compete with Freight Trucks in Europe LINK
In many countries where the overall mortality rate is falling, road deaths have gone in the opposite direction. LINK
A Gameplan for Ceding US Highways to Driverless Cars LINK
Thinktank Study: Female Drivers Can Put Saudi Arabia on Road to Enhanced Growth LINK
In Paris, about 80 percent of the initial 20,600 Vélib’ bikes had been stolen or damaged two years into the program. LINK
Mayor claims Uber and Lyft costing Chicago taxpayers millions LINK
Americans Are Super Scared About Driverless Cars Getting Hacked: StudyLINK