Self-Driving Doctors… LINK
United Airlines has installed taxi tops on 125 cabs throughout New York City that – in real time – showing the travel time from a cabs location to both JFK & Newark. ? Very Cool. LINK
Congress finally gets going on that regulating robocars thing. Thomas Jefferson & Samuel Adams would not be pleased. LINK
VIDEO: ‘Flying’ water taxis tested for the first time on River Seine in Paris LINK
You Can Now Hail An UberBOAT In Croatia LINK
Meanwhile back on land…. Hundreds of Croatian taxi drivers block one of the capital’s main boulevards with their cars demanding that Uber be banned. LINK
As Uber & Lyft Move into upstate NY, Taxi Cos unite behind a new app. LINK
UK Co who created the Long Island Rail Road and Metro-North Railroad app launches Water Taxi app for Fire Island. ? Could this be why they canceled night ferries? LINK
Seoul’s taxi companies will be obliged to have their drivers wear uniforms this fall. LINK