UPDATE: Seems those “FREE” Berlin Subway Ride Sneakers were not so free after all. You can pick one up on eBay for EUR 2,999. I actually stopped in to buy a pair, but they sold out in a few hours. I guess I’ll have to wait for the GreenWheels Birkenstocks. LINK
Ford files a patent for an autonomous police car. I’d wager a bet that autonomous police cars will autonomously pull over autonomous vehicles. LINK
Paris announces new measures to tackle sexual harassment on public transit. Buses will allow passengers to hop off at night even when the vehicle isn’t at a designated stop. LINK
Apple expands California self-driving test fleet to 27 Lexus SUV. Vehicles leased from Hertz. LINK
Steve Wozniak goes on an epic rant against Tesla: ‘I don’t believe anything Elon Musk or Tesla says anymore… but he still loves the car. LINK
Harley-Davidson announces that they’re making an electric Motorcycle. Then they announced more job cuts and a plant closure. LINK
Post to our Slack Group by Liza Dixon ?
- Japanese Inn Introduces ‘Self-Parking Slippers’ From Nissan LINK
- Alipay launches a service that lets you sent an anonymous text message to that S.O.B. who double parked and boxed your car in. LINK
Study: Ride-sharing companies can supplement public transit. LINK
Ford is acquiring Autonomic, a technology company that specializes in scale, architecture, and leverage for transportation solutions. Ford is acquiring TransLoc, a provider of demand-response technology for city-owned microtransit solutions. LINK
GM sued by motorcyclist injured in a crash involving self-driving Chevrolet Bolt. The lawsuit claims the Bolt changed lanes. When cyclist attempted to pass the car it “suddenly veered back into his lane,” knocking him to the ground.” LINK
Volkswagen has taken responsibility for diesel emissions tests on humans and monkeys amid mounting fury. VW has suspended its chief lobbyist who admitted to knowing in advance about the experiment, which took place in New Mexico in 2014. LINK
Two Tesla Model 3 vehicles were spotted in air freight inbound for Germany — presumably to be reverse-engineered. LINK
Irish Taxi drivers to get €7,000 grant for switching to electric cars. LINK
BP invests in mobile electric vehicle charging company FreeWire to deliver rapid charging at retail sites. LINK
Jaguar Land Rover invests over $1 million into a Land Rover School Bus, ride-sharing service. LINK
No Car, No Care? For more than 50 years, Medicaid has been required to ferry certain clients to and from medical appointments. But a few states have sought — and received — waivers to that rule. LINK